Shipping & Delivery

  • Please make sure to double check the shipping addresses to ensure the delivery.
  • If item returns to us due to incorrect shipping information, we will notify our customer know it is been returned by the post office, and automatically give customer refund for the purchase.
  • Product will be delivered in 2-3 business days. Our office is closed on weekends and holidays.
  • Orders placed on weekends and holidays will be processed the next business day. (Additionally, orders placed after 11:00 am IST will be considered placed on the next business day)

Shipping Methods

Express Air Couriers

Fedex, Bluedart, Delhivery, Ecomexpress, Xpressbees, Holisol, Indiapost etc.


  • Timely delivery is subject to the Terms of Service published by the carrier. Note that circumstances out of our control (like natural disasters, holiday delays, etc.) may produce shipping postponements.

Special Considerations

  • All orders are subject to approval based on the billing information provided.
  • All orders may be placed on hold for further security verifications if billing and shipping information is different and/or order total exceeds over Rs.5000/-
  • In the occasion that an item is out of stock or unavailable, your order may not be shipped until a Customer Care Representative has contacted you for further instructions.